Gym Space
2,000 square foot gym
Cybex Weight machines
Nautilus Cable Machine
Free weights from 2 pounds to 100 pounds
True Fitness Treadmills, Ellipticals, Stationary, and Recumbent bikes
Schwinn spin bikes
Speed bag & heavy bag
Squat rack & bench press
Stability balls, foam rollers, BOSU balls, balance boards, jump ropes, yoga mats, and many more accessories.
Questions about available equipment? Email wellness@catskillrecreationcenter.org
Group Exercise Room
Available for your use when classes are not in session.
Gym Rules
The CRC is a community gym. Your cooperation in following the rules will create a pleasant and safe environment for all our members.
Conduct and Etiquette
Please respect the rights of others – be courteous. Profanity is not allowed.
Cardio Time Limit
During busy times or when people are waiting, please limit the use of equipment to 30 minutes.
Rack Your Weights
As a courtesy, please return free weights or other movable equipment to their proper place at the end of your workout.
Proper Attire & Hygiene
Appropriate, dry and clean workout attire is required. Swimsuits or clothing that may be inappropriate in a family environment are not allowed. Shirts must be worn at all times. Clean, non-marking, closed-toe athletic shoes must be worn. Please observe proper regular hygiene.
Wipe Down Equipment
When finished, members must wipe down equipment with paper towels. Cleaning spray and paper towels are provided in both the weight and cardio rooms.
Report Equipment Malfunctions & Injuries
Please report all equipment malfunctions, personal injuries, and specific concerns immediately to the staff at the front desk. Do not drop weights or other items, as this damages equipment and the floors
Circuits and Loitering on Equipment
If you perform more than one set of repetitions on a machine, please allow others to work in. Please do not interfere with another’s workout by spending too long on a single piece of equipment.
Age Guidelines
Members and guests aged 13 and older are permitted full use of the gym. The swimming pool is available for youth under age 13.
No food or gum is permitted in any fitness area. Closed water bottles are allowed.
The use of loudspeakers is not permitted before 6.30pm. Please use headphones. After 6.30pm, permission from the Front Desk is required. You must ensure lyrics are are not explicit.
Gym Bags
For your safety, store personal items, including gym bags, purses, extra clothing, etc., in the locker rooms.
Personal Trainers
The CRC offers Personal Training for our facility members and guests. The use of unapproved personal trainers is prohibited.